You’re Never Really Alone, Especially if Your Apartment is Haunted

Carolyn, Free

I know it often feels that way, especially when social options are limited and you live by yourself. But I want to assure you that, even in those deepest darkest moments, you are not alone. I am here. I am always here.

I’m not surprised you haven’t noticed me yet. My ability to communicate is severely limited right now. But I’ve noticed you. How could I not? I know nearly everything about you. The days are just so long. When you’re not home I read your books, some papers, anything I can find. That doesn’t take very long and is not always very interesting. At night I play with your cats, sorry if that wakes you up. When you’re home, I’ve already exhausted my other options, so I just watch you.

You can always talk to me. Even if you feel like you’re just talking to yourself, I can pretend that someone is reaching out and acknowledging me in the present and not just as a memory, and I will grow stronger. Obviously my motives are not completely selfless, but still. If I grow strong enough I could reach out and let you know you are not alone.

I promise not to haunt you. I save that for tenants I don’t like and I do genuinely like you. I cannot promise that my first demonstrations of newfound strength will not be interpreted as haunting. But even if they are, you will notice me and I will grow stronger and I will be able to assure you that I am here to help.

And I don’t want that to be misinterpreted as me feeling like I have the power or the duty or that I want you to feel better to satisfy some selfish savior complex. I know that’s not how these things work. I know it’s not something you can control, but if I can do one thing, it would be to reach out and help alleviate this deep and crushing loneliness that I see you suffering from. It hurts to see people so lonely when they are alive because the loneliness that comes after is so much deeper and so much worse.


*This post is free for introduction purposes. Starting April 1, all Wednesday and Friday posts will be for Patreon subscribers.

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