Cats Read Your Tarot Cards: Will this Surgery Help Me?

Free, Harry and Dash

Card: The World

I sure hope so. You’ve been such a boring lump lately, which is not to make your pain all about me, but more to say I’ve noticed you aren’t yourself. You used to look forward to playing with us, but now we have to goad you into it. And you probably noticed we stopped doing that as much. It’s been mostly snuggles and biscuits lately. If we could do more, we would.

Good news is it’s looking up! I can’t tell you what it’s going to be like exactly but you will be free from the pain you’ve been putting up with for so long. You probably won’t even recognize the feeling afterward. It’ll be so different from what you’re experiencing now that you’ll be in entirely new territory. Whatever it is, it will be a step in the right direction, and we will be with you every step of the way.


*You know the drill, I’m no a tarot expert. This is just for fun

Cats Read Your Tarot Cards: Making Friends in a New City

Free, Harry and Dash

Question: Will I make new friends outside of work? I moved to a new city a year ago and i have a bunch of work friends, but have struggles to meet people otherwise

Card: Two of Wands, Reversed

You’re probably trying too hard. You have a lot of promising beginnings that lead nowhere and you’re letting it get to you. The thing is, that’s how friendship works. You can’t really go out and seek a friend. Take it from me. I don’t seek anyone out. Everyone always comes to me and the ones who put up with my aloofness are the ones who are worthy of my time.

I’m not saying act like a cat. You’re not as cute. But keep hanging out with your work friends. Deepen those friendships. And then find groups that do activities you like. Go to some meetups. Enjoy the low-key social interaction. See if there’s someone you connect with, and go for it. It’ll take some time, but you’ll be fine. 


*This is just for entertainment purposes and should not be taken as a real tarot reading.

Cats Read Your Tarot Cards: What’s Going on with my cat’s love life?

Free, Harry and Dash

Question: A black outdoor cat is screaming at my cat’s window every night. What does that mean?

Card: Ace of Pentacles

This is just the right amount of relationship for your cat. Maybe the black cat wants more, but your cat is fine admiring beauty from afar. She knows just how much she has at home and isn’t looking for any more than to enjoy the attention of someone pretty from the comfort of her own home. She also finds it very entertaining to drive another cat crazy. We can all be a little antagonistic at times. Just be glad it’s not directed at you.


*This is just for entertainment purposes and should not be taken as a real tarot reading.

Cats Read Your Tarot Cards

Free, Harry and Dash

A new question, this time from a friend: What is my biggest obstacle right now and how do I move past it?

The cards: Ten of Cups Reversed (I forgot to take a picture for this one and the next one)

Harry’s Answer: Your biggest obstacle this year is an interpersonal one. Someone you thought you were close to will expose themselves as a fair weather friend. This happens as people get older and lives evolve. It will feel like a betrayal at first, but try not to take it as such. That will only sink you into a dark spiral. Treasure the friends you have. Make new ones. Put your best self forward. Living well is the best revenge.

Dash’s Answer: This is why it helps to always be on your guard. I don’t mean never letting anyone in (not for you, at least. But that is how I operate). I just mean that people change, even if you’ve known them for a while. Treat every interaction as an opportunity to learn more about the person you’re interacting with and when you learn something that changes your mind about them, be open to it. It will help you in the long run, I promise.

-Harry and Dash