Summery Syrups to Delight and Refresh You

Ella, Free

Summer is undoubtedly upon us. Here in St. Louis that brings an oppressive humidity and a bottomless appetite for all things cool and refreshing. Citrus, mint, and ginger are three flavors I often turn to when looking for a reprieve from the heat. One issue I have found, however, is that many recipes calling for these ingredients often require much less than is available at the grocery store. The chunks of fresh ginger root are often much larger than the one or two tablespoons a recipe often calls for. A recipe calling for lemon juice leaves much of the pulp and the rind discarded. And anyone who has ever grown mint knows it is far more abundant that it seems to have uses.

One solution is to use these extras and castoffs to make syrups. The syrups keep for a very long time in the refrigerator and are perfect for flavoring everything from cocktails to iced tea to just adding a little bit of sweetness to a glass of seltzer. They are easy to make as well. Simply add equal parts sugar and water to a sauce pan along with whatever you are using for flavoring, whether it be citrus rinds, sprigs of mint leaves, or leftover ginger. If you are using citrus rind, make sure to wash them well and with dish soap before you put them in the syrup. Stir the mixture constantly and allow it to come to a boil. The longer you keep the flavor in the syrup and keep it on the heat, the stronger your flavor will be. Taste as you go and when the syrup reaches your desired flavor, remove it from the heat, pour it through a strainer, and discard the used flavoring.

Maybe you don’t want to spend your day boiling lemons, but the result will be worth it.

I know it seems hypocritical to complain about the heat and humidity while I suggest that you stand over a steaming pot of boiling sugar water for up to an hour. You have to believe me that it will be worth it. First off, it’s possible that releasing all that heat and humidity into your kitchen will make the rest of your house feel so much cooler. The copious amounts of steam produced will allow any incorporeal residents of your home the chance to be seen, should they choose it. They often miss their bodies dearly and the water vapor in the air gives them a chance to approximate a physical presence.

And once the syrups are made and stored in the refrigerator, you will feel infinitely fancier than before. Maybe you’re like me and the idea of purchasing flavored syrups or anything with the word “infused” or “botanical” for just one recipe seems like a gamble. What if I don’t like it and now I have too much? But if I can make it to my taste and save something from the trash, it seems worth it. And when you hand a friend a cocktail made with orange and ginger syrup and casually reveal, when asked, that you made it, they are sure to be impressed.


Fancy Cocktail Syrups Aren't Hard to Make
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