My Own Neglected Obligations. Well, One particular obligation

Ella, Free, Uncategorized

Erica’s attention to the most important aspects of her life has made me think of the people I have been neglecting, namely Erica’s mother. 

Erica has a good enough handle on her emotions to at least keep them out of her cooking and crafting while she focuses on her health. Jane will poke and prod her to be honest in therapy and with her doctor. She doesn’t need me for that. The person who needs me now is Kirsten. 

Erica doesn’t talk about her mom much around me. I always assumed that was because her mother’s unyielding perfectionism contrasted with my encouragement of her not fearing mistakes and treating them as a learning experience. I should have known that’s because her mom doesn’t like me. I wasn’t able to help Erica’s mother the way that I have helped Erica. As happens every few generations, I was barred from contact with her during her childhood and respected her parents’ wishes. When I tried to reconnect with her in her early adulthood, I was rebuffed. 

But now I have an opportunity to mend that relationship. Erica’s mom broke her shoulder and needs surgery. The long recovery time and limited activity will also mean she needs company, which I am able and happy to offer. I’ve talked to both Erica and her mother and everyone agrees that since I have no real job or obligations outside of my descendants, it makes sense for me to go keep Erica’s mother company. But like anything healing, whether surgical or a strained relationship, this requires utmost care. 


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