Cats Read your Tarot Cards: Taking on more responsibility at work?


Queen of Cups

As much as it rankles me to see the words “more” and “responsibility” together in a positive context, yes, she is making the right choice. She should be cautioned to make sure that the responsibilities she takes on are in line with her future goals. Taking on irrelevant responsibilities just to prove she can do something may lead her in the wrong direction. While this card indicates good things to come, it also signifies loyalty, which can be misused by the wrong person. Her first loyalty should always be to herself. 


*Just for funsies, not a legit tarot reading!

My Own Neglected Obligations. Well, One particular obligation

Ella, Free, Uncategorized

Erica’s attention to the most important aspects of her life has made me think of the people I have been neglecting, namely Erica’s mother. 

Erica has a good enough handle on her emotions to at least keep them out of her cooking and crafting while she focuses on her health. Jane will poke and prod her to be honest in therapy and with her doctor. She doesn’t need me for that. The person who needs me now is Kirsten. 

Erica doesn’t talk about her mom much around me. I always assumed that was because her mother’s unyielding perfectionism contrasted with my encouragement of her not fearing mistakes and treating them as a learning experience. I should have known that’s because her mom doesn’t like me. I wasn’t able to help Erica’s mother the way that I have helped Erica. As happens every few generations, I was barred from contact with her during her childhood and respected her parents’ wishes. When I tried to reconnect with her in her early adulthood, I was rebuffed. 

But now I have an opportunity to mend that relationship. Erica’s mom broke her shoulder and needs surgery. The long recovery time and limited activity will also mean she needs company, which I am able and happy to offer. I’ve talked to both Erica and her mother and everyone agrees that since I have no real job or obligations outside of my descendants, it makes sense for me to go keep Erica’s mother company. But like anything healing, whether surgical or a strained relationship, this requires utmost care. 


Cats Read Your Tarot Cards: The Year Ahead

Free, Harry and Dash, Uncategorized

Welcome to a new segment of the blog where we, your cats, will read your tarot cards. You have the tarot deck that you never use. We have a lot of time on our hands. We will take your questions and interpret them to the best of our abilities.

Without further ado, here is Erica’s latest question: What will the year ahead look like for me?

Dash’s Answer: It is already halfway through the year. But whether you mean the rest of this year or the next year starting now, the outlook is not good. The work stress will continue. There will be speculation about a brighter future, but that will ultimately amount to nothing. You will be disappointed, but ultimately this is for the best. Be wary of job postings that seem too good to be true. If you do decide to job search, be glad when your applications are met with silence and listen to any doubt you have in an interview. Gig work is like pyrite. Do not be tempted.

Instead of new job or monetary opportunities, find community with your friends and your cats. Use your current stability to sort out any health issues before jumping into a new opportunity.


*This is just for entertainment purposes and should not be taken as a real tarot reading.

Two Cats look down from their perch

A Favor


Hey Everyone! I just want to take a second to say how much I appreciate all of you! You guys are awesome!

But I also have to ask you a favor. Since July is a free month, please share the posts as much as you can. I’m trying my best to market this on various social media sites, but I think that direct sharing is probably the most effective. If you have a friend that you think would be interested, please go ahead and share posts or forward the newsletters! I know it’s weird asking your friends to hard sell your blog for you, but here we are. The social media stuff is great, but I have a feeling a lot of people who would like this blog aren’t on social media. (Especially since social media can be horrible for your mental health and self-esteem and this blog is very pro-mental health and self-esteem).

I realize that’s a lot to ask of you, and so I’m going to try to make this as easy as possible. I promise to only write these kinds of posts a few times a year, whenever I do a review month. I’m also going to break down this blog into it’s major selling points so that I’ve already answered the question “How do I even start explaining this to someone?”

Well, it’s a craft blog, but it’s also a story. Instead of all that junk before the craft or recipe about how some pretty white lady has a perfect life, you get a fictional story of a young witch who doesn’t have a good grasp on her powers or her life. Filling in the blanks are her many-time-great grandmother (also a witch), the ghost that lives in her apartment, and her cats. Even though the stories are fictional, all the crafts and recipes are accurate in their time, cost, and results.

So whom should you share these posts with? Your friends who are any combination of crafty, witchy, focused on mental health, fed up with social media expectations, fed up with capitalism, wanting to read something but don’t have the attention span for a book, trying to figure their shit out, wondering what their cats are thinking, wondering if ghost were real would they be chill, the kind of person who likes the idea of crafting or cooking but never gets around to making anything. You know who I’m talking about.

Why would they sign up to read a blog? Isn’t that kind of passé? Well I like reading and I read a lot of blogs. They make great lunch break reading, especially when I forget to bring a book to work. What about the temptation of social media? Well aren’t we all in that stage of our lives where we’re trying to spend less time on social media but still addicted to our phones? A blog seems like a perfect solution. You get to read one thing for a couple minutes and then take a break, do your meditation app, whatever. It’s up to you. No videos that autoplay of people who are prettier than you or more successful than you or having more fun than you. (Are my own insecurities showing? Well this whole blog is basically about my insecurities so, yes).

And tell them that there’s no pressure to sign up for the Patreon. There’s going to be more free stuff coming. If they want to support me, that’s great (and thanks to those that do!), but just subscribing means a lot to me! And if you’re looking for other free ways to support this site, you can follow me on social media and like and share my stuff there!

Thank you all! You really know how to make someone feel like they’re not pointlessly shouting into the void.