Past Project Reflection: A New Plant Home

Erica, Free

I barely mentioned the process of redoing one of my birdcages in my last post,  but both of them ended up requiring quite a bit of work. The first one was more straightforward. As I discussed last time, I sanded it down and repaint it. The second one did not require any painting, but I wanted to cut a hole in the bottom so that my lemon tree could grow up into the birdcage. This required help from a friend with power tools.

I repainted my first birdcage while still deep in the throes of a DIY blog addiction. This was my first DIY project, and I became immediately acquainted with the very unglamorous side DIY. I wanted what all the bloggers had, a light airy workspace and impressive array of power tools. But they had the benefit of being firmly established bloggers with sponsorships and, often, a second household income.

I laid out my dirty camping tarp in my dingy parking spot and got to work. At this point, I did not have any power tools. There’s no outlet near my parking spot. I took off the door of the base is by hand, which was not hard, and sanded the entire thing down by hand, which was. I primed the whole thing one night after work, trying my best not to get any dirt or cobwebs mixed in with the paint. The next night, I painted the whole thing green. A second coat went on in the morning, the fixtures were installed later in the left the afternoon. After three days of parking on the street, I was able to move the stand up to my apartment, move my car back into the parking space, and move my plants into their new home.

Eventually, my plant collection began to outgrow the first birdcage. I bought another one, this time with a plastic bottom instead of metal so that I could cut a hole in it and place the lemon tree’s pot below the cage, allowing the tree to grow up into the birdcage. I thought it would be relatively easy. My plan was to heat up a kitchen knife and stab it through the plastic to melt it (I know, a terrible idea). Once I had perforated a full circle, I would just punch out the hole in the bottom of the cage. But the plastic turned out to be much thicker than I expected. I turned to a friend who does have power tools and she brought this Dremel over to try to help me. Even with power tools the process proved to be more difficult than expected. We broke a number of product before we finally succeeded. The result is a bit sloppy but highly functional. No although that original lemon tree house died (RAD) plant collection, like a gas, has expanded to fill the space provided.

My next adventure with these cages was grow lights. The space available for the cages and the layout of my apartment meant that both cages required grow lights. I started with a pair of LED lights that simply did not provide enough light for all the plants in the cages. They were also not particularly attractive, so I looked for an option that was both functional and aesthetically appealing. With very little research, I ordered a string of cafe lights for each cage and several grow light bulbs. I thought this would be a cheaper and less-cluttered look than the number of clamp-on grow lights that I would need for all my plants.

 I was excited to see that the grow light bulbs fit in the string of cafe lights and lit up, but they immediately grew very hot. A few quick texts later to a friend who knows much more about electricity than I do and it was clear I had created a fire hazard.

Thanks to my hubris, only one string of lights was returnable. The other found a home with my sister. She uses them with the intended lightbulbs.

I returned the unopened lights and purchased a set of industrial clamp lights and put the grow lights in those. The end result is that one of my birdcages is at least somewhat like I had originally planned, although with far more wires. But my plants are happy and my cats can’t eat them. That’s all I can really ask.


Ads for Free Things: Turn Your Plants into More Plants

Ads for Free Things, Free

Do you ever look at your few, measly little house plans and think “Man if I had more plants in here, this room would really come together”?

Do you wander through the house plant section of Home Depot every time you go to pick up an extension cord, but never purchase any new plants?

Well, boy do I have news for you. Many common house plants can be easily propagated and turned into new plants, especially if the original plant is healthy. A quick Google search will let you know whether you need to separate some root balls or take a simple cutting and put it in water. And soon you will have twice or three times as many plants.

Sure, it would be nice to immediately have a full, luscious fern, but those cost money. Growing a tiny propagate into a just-as-beautiful fern only takes time. Some people say that time is money and to an extent that is true. But sometimes you don’t have any money, and you just have time. Think about all the time that you spent deciding whether or not to spend money on a new house plant. You are probably going to spend so much longer waffling back-and-forth, but if you just nipped off that spider plant pup and planted it today you would have a nice fully mature plant by time you would have decided to buy one. And all you will have to buy is another pot and some dirt. Much cheaper than a whole new plant.

Plants: get them for free from your own house.

And if you’re starting with nothing or just one variety try our other products, such as Getting Plant Cuttings From Your Friend.

More About Me (Because I Know You Want to Know)

Jane, Patreon

I figured, after my rather abrupt debut, I should offer some background on my relationships with Ella and Erica as well as some reasons why I decided to begin contributing to this blog.

I moved into this building a year before Ella and Erica. I was attracted to the historical features, the price, and the unpredictable schedules of the other tenants. No one here would notice that I rarely left my apartment during the day and work mostly nights. They would assume I was a nurse when I left the building in scrubs. And I could feel in the energy of the building that I might one day have a supernatural companion if someone moved there for the same reasons.

Ella is the one who found me out. That should not be a surprise. She is a wise and experienced witch. And she is the one who introduced me to Erica. I think she saw an us a common inability to accept a fate we had not chosen for ourselves. She saw a potential for friendship, and she was right.

Despite the vast difference in our ages, I have almost 200 years on Erica, my personality seems to have locked in at the age I was transformed. I also hail from New England, although it has been so long since I’ve been back. And I, too, have found I truly enjoy my life, or non-life, in the Midwest.

I’m ashamed to admit that Erica and Ella were my first friends in more than 70 years. I had forgotten what it was like to be able to be my full self around other people. Because of that newfound confidence, I was able to make another terrible friendship that nearly destroyed me. I do not blame either Erica or Ella. Without them, I doubt I would have survived.

And that is the story I want to tell. That first wave of shock and grief and despair has passed over me. I have emerged changed but not weakened, and I can finally relay what happened.


An Update on My Life and This Blog

Erica, Free

The fact that I’ve kept up with this blog for six months is pretty astonishing, considering my apparent allergy to follow through. I was very excited to share my crafts and my story, and to give my friends a platform to share their stories as well. I began at what I thought was a reasonable pace to write my own posts, and edit, post, and market everyone else’s.

But I also have to live my life. Whether I like it or not, I have a full-time job and chores to do. I also have to do all of the crafts that I write about. And I have cats and myself to take care and a surprisingly active social life.

It seems my life has gotten busier since I started this. I learned to take pride in my abilities, perfect or not. I learned there was a ghost in my house who has a lot of opinions about the books I read and TV I watch. I tried my best to wrangle my jealousy, and with Ella’s help, successfully cursed one of my college friends. All while social distancing restrictions relaxed and work got busy again.

And I have another big change coming up. I haven’t mentioned it yet, but I’m moving. As much as I love the Marceleste and all the friends I have there, I’m sick of fighting other tenants for the laundry and I just want central air. I decided that my job is dreadful enough that I at least need those two luxuries.

So what does this mean? I’m taking a bit of a hiatus to figure out how I can better run this blog, and market it, without running myself ragged. I need to make sure I’m living a good life the rest of the tine. During this break, you might intermittently hear from other contributors. I don’t want this to be a complete break.

So what will it be like when we come back? Well first of all, we probably won’t be posting quite as often. As grateful as I am to those of you who read this blog regularly, I do want to build a larger following of subscribers. So that means less time writing posts, and more time marketing them. I’m trying to figure out better ways to direct Instagram directly back to the blog, and I’ve been thinking about (yikes) TikTok.

I’m also going to change the focus of some of the posts. At first, Ella and I we’re trying to give step-by-step recipes and craft tutorials, partially as a learning tool, and partially to attract readers. But I think we should start focusing on what makes this unique. Which is:

  1. Our stories
  2. Showing the actual cost of these projects
  3. Showing the amount of time these projects take.

Three things you won’t find on any other craft blog

So thank you, for being part of the story, and sticking with it through all the twists and turns.


New Year’s Resolutions I Can’t Be Bothered With

Erica, Free

Mid-February (or late February by the time I actually post this) is the glorious time of year when everyone’s New Year’s resolutions fall apart. I used to be part of that “everyone,” setting lofty expectations for myself each January only to run out of steam in six to eight weeks.

In celebration of my epiphany that I can’t make a daily habit out of anything, and trying to only leads to self-loathing, here is a list of New Year’s Resolutions I refused to make this year:

  1. Any Kind of Exercise Goal: Any kind of exercise goal. I know I feel better when I exercise. And I know I feel better when I can make a routine of it. But my schedule does not always work for goals like exercising a certain number of times per week, and any other fitness goal will end up with me overextending myself and hurting myself. So I will just stick with the knowledge that I feel better when I exercise and seize the motivation whenever I remember.
  2. The Same Thing, But with Meditation
  3. Learning a New Skill: There are so many things I hope to learn and so many options for a resolution like this, I find it overwhelming. I do hope to learn some new skills, or gain a deeper knowledge of the ones I already have.  kind of goes on this is just too much pressure and text the enjoyment out of it.
  4. Goals For This Blog: If I did pick a resolution for this, I would say to keep the posts and newsletters coming out in groups throughout the year. But as I saw last year, sometimes I really do need a break and while this blog is very important to me, it is far from the most important thing in my life or my main source of income.

What are some resolutions I did make? I do better with New Year’s resolutions when they are simple, one-off things that I just need a little extra motivation to accomplish. One of them was to get a new bedframe, which I accomplished before the end of the year (yay me!). The other will be to harness my powers so I can haunt my boss. It’s been too long and he just deserves it.


New Year’s Resolution

Erica, Free

This year, my resolution is to actually be honest with myself about how my life is going. 2022 was hard and I sort of just powered through and pretended everything was okay. It wasn’t okay. I’m not okay. Things are probably going to get harder before they get better and that’s just how it is sometimes, but I don’t have to pretend like it’s easy or like it’s somehow positive.

And I’m going to be honest with myself when things are going well too. Just because I’ve been going through a tough time doesn’t mean I’m going to ignore the good moments. Those are important, and they’re what’ll keep me going. I’m not going to get so caught up in powering through that I forget to take time for myself. 

What does that mean for this blog? I don’t know. I’m not giving up on it. The posts might be different. I’ll probably focus more on mental health than the actual mechanics of crafting. And I’ll share some of the stuff that made last year kind of a nightmare. But everyone else should be the same. Anyway, hope this year is a good one.


View From Outside: Life As A Supporting Character

Ella, Free

Last year was not a good year for Erica. I’m not going to detail what happened. That’s her story to tell. I will offer some insight on how I did my best to support her.

When we started, I was helping Erica learn to use her powers in alignment with her talents. This past year, I did my best to help her stay above water. Between her increasing workload and some particularly stressful events, her mental health took a nosedive.

I used my powers to remove as many of the obstacles as I could, but often the scars of what had already happened remained. It didn’t help that she chose to move right before everything got to be too much.

That doesn’t mean the entire year was terrible. Erica started a garden at her new apartment. I helped her with that. It was small, but the food was good. She did some sewing, some crocheting, and started a new project with her old origami.

She didn’t feel like writing though, and I didn’t want to push it. She didn’t need another obligation on top of everything else. That was my main job over the past year. Letting her enjoy what she could without any sense of obligation. I’m sorry for the hiatus, but hopefully this explanation helps. If Erica felt like she needed a break, we all did.
