Get Great Plants Without Buying Them (or stealing them)

Erica, Free

I don’t need to extol the virtues of houseplants. Assuming those are a given, I want to start by saying there’s nothing wrong with purchasing a fully grown Ficus or parlor palm or an already lush and abundant pothos (or fake plants if you don’t have adequate lighting). And, if you are in a place where you can afford to support a local greenhouse or nursery by purchasing from them, by all means do.

 If the price tag on fully-grown plants is too hefty, there is no reason you cannot grow your own beautiful, healthy houseplants. It just takes more time. Many houseplants propagate and divide easily and there’s a good chance someone you know already has one. You won’t immediately have the giant and bushy fern you want, but you will get the chance to nurture it as it grows into its fullest self.

The most obvious benefit of collecting plant cuttings from friends and acquaintances is that it immediately connects you to another person in a way that purchasing your plant from a home-improvement store might not. Purchasing it from a local nursery might give you a similar connection.

Starting small with your plant also gives you more time to become connected to and acquainted with the plant and its needs. You are the one caring for it and coaxing each new leaf into the world. And you can take pride in it as it grows from a scraggly little thing into a waterfall of vines. If you purchase a fully grown plant you are simply putting it on the shelf and hoping it continues to grow.

Finally, when your plants are large and healthy, you can begin snipping and dividing and passing the cuttings on to someone else. When you do, the that gets passed on with the plant will be even longer and connect even more people.

Some easy plants to propagate:

(It’s cropped funny so you can’t see the parts the cats have eaten)

Pothos: These vines are the quintessential low maintenance houseplant. They do not need much water or light and they will grow into a fantastic mess of vines. To propagate cut a piece of the vine, make sure it is the actual vine, not just the leaf stem, and place it in water. Once the vine has begun to put out roots, usually in a few weeks, it is ready to be planted.

I’m not even sure if this is a spider plant. It looks like a spider plant, but I got it from the garbage so I can’t be sure

Spider plants: Spider plants propagate themselves, sending out tendrils with baby plants, or pups. These plants will begin to grow their own roots, but must be placed in water to foster root development or planted in a pot of their own. Spider plant pups are easy to come by since anyone with a healthy spider plant will have more pups than they know what to do with

Succulents: Succulents require a bit more work to propagate, but are worth it. Like spider plants, other succulent owners will eventually have more growing succulent leaves than they can reasonably plant themselves. The best succulent leaves to propagate are the ones that come away easily from the main plant, but are still firm and healthy. Leave them in dry dirt or on gravel for a few days until you begin to see roots or leaves growing. You can begin to slowly water the props, but be careful not to let the main leaf get too wet. If it begins to rot before the prop is self-sufficient, it will die. When the leaf begins to shrivel and die, but the roots and new succulent are healthy, transfer it to its own container.


Disclaimer: This is Frustrating, But Still Worth It

Erica, Free

To say this blog is not exactly how I imagined it is an understatement. I have been sitting on the idea starting this blog for over a year. As an avid reader of other craft and DIY blogs, I had a grand vision for my own. This grand vision involved many skills and habits I do not have. I could have waited, put my crafting projects on pause to learn these skills, but then I may have lost my momentum.

Progress photos, an essential part of any DIY blog, are the best example. I often work on my projects at night when the lighting is bad for photographs, and I have neither the budget nor space for supplemental lighting. I also sometimes just get so into whatever I’m working on at the idea of taking pictures does not even occur to me. I also don’t necessarily always have a clean and elegant setting for my photos since my coffee table is often covered with books, papers, and unfinished projects. And I’m not about to clean again just to get a quick picture.

I did think about supplementing one or two photos per post with a neat line drawing for each step. Since the lighting would again be an issue taking photos of actual drawings, I decided to purchase a drawing tablet for my computer. Well, that’s a lot harder than it seems. I haven’t given up on it yet. I’m still learning, but my skill level certainly is not in a place where I am willing to publish those drawings on the Internet.

I won’t even get into my shortcomings with WordPress and the internet in general, or crafts that I want to try, but have little experience with. If I tried to learn that before I published my first blog post, you’d never see any of this. Like all my other projects, I’ll be learning as I go, and I think that’s the most honest representation of my creative process.

I say all this not to inspire any sort of sympathy, but to say that I know it is not perfect and if I had waited until it was I would never have started. I like to create mostly because I like to control. Creating something from scratch means that I get exactly what I want, at least within my abilities. When something is beyond my abilities, I often abandon the idea without learning or asking for help.

I place an unhealthy amount of value on being naturally good at things, or at least appearing so. These warped ideals happen when you have no natural talent in areas that seem to come easily to everyone else. I’ve always been very easily overwhelmed and had trouble controlling my emotions. When I was a child, that often led to magical outbursts. They could get so bad that those around me were in danger. I was told I needed to control myself as if the outbursts were my choice, but was never taught how. My parents were ill-equipped to deal with me and professional help was out of the question. They could not trust a four-year-old to keep her mouth shut. My mother tried to teach me to cook, hoping that would help me the way it helped her, but I was so useless at it, the results were almost as dangerous as my outbursts.

Eventually, I accomplished a veneer of control. I never had an outburst when I felt good, and I felt good when I excelled and was praised. I stayed away from any activity at which I did not naturally excel. I only let myself be frustrated in private. If I had to fail at something publicly, I made a show of not putting in any effort at all. By the time I was in college, I was exhausted. I realized what I was doing was not healthy and began undoing all the harm done by the idea that I must succeed at everything.

And part of that part of undoing the damage done by those thoughts is admitting this is not perfect. It’s not how I imagined it would be. And I’m still trying really hard. But it’s still worth it, because I just need it to start.


*This post is free for introduction purposes. Starting April 1, all Wednesday and Friday posts will be for Patreon subscribers.

Close up embroidery needle and fabric

Why Are My Mediocre Crafts Worthy of Your Attention?

Erica, Free

I love crafting. I’ve been embroidering for years, sometimes I knit and crochet, and I do some light DIY projects. It gives me a sense of control when everything else feels so out of hand. I will admit, I’m not great at most of the things I try, though. I tend to over-estimate my abilities and under-estimate the amount of time a project will take. I’m often hesitant to invest in specialized tools, either because I can’t afford them or I don’t have the space. I also don’t have a ton of spare time, and sometimes I just want to watch TV. Still, I like having things exactly the way I want them, even if it means I have to create them from scratch. The end result might not be perfect, but it’s all mine.

I’m learning how to be easier on myself, too. The creators I follow on Instagram and Youtube have years of practice under their belts. Not to mention, I don’t usually start following them until far enough into their careers that they have accumulated a garage full of tools. Some of them were smart enough to learn sewing from their grandmothers, or pursue a formal education in their chosen field. And that’s great! But it’s not me. I’ve been too afraid to ask for help my whole life. I just bought a drill last year. If I want to DIY something, I have to drag it down three flights of stairs to my parking garage.

Things take time and frustration, even if they’re eventually compressed into a neat time-lapse video. And I have no intention of sugarcoating that. I want to be honest about the time a project takes me and the cost. I can’t be the only one who wishes just once that they scrolled past a mediocre project displayed proudly because it took a lot of time, and this attempt was better than the last one. Or maybe you just want to feel better about your own abilities. Either way, I hope you get something out of it.
