Cats Read Your Tarot Cards: The Year Ahead

Free, Harry and Dash, Uncategorized

Welcome to a new segment of the blog where we, your cats, will read your tarot cards. You have the tarot deck that you never use. We have a lot of time on our hands. We will take your questions and interpret them to the best of our abilities.

Without further ado, here is Erica’s latest question: What will the year ahead look like for me?

Dash’s Answer: It is already halfway through the year. But whether you mean the rest of this year or the next year starting now, the outlook is not good. The work stress will continue. There will be speculation about a brighter future, but that will ultimately amount to nothing. You will be disappointed, but ultimately this is for the best. Be wary of job postings that seem too good to be true. If you do decide to job search, be glad when your applications are met with silence and listen to any doubt you have in an interview. Gig work is like pyrite. Do not be tempted.

Instead of new job or monetary opportunities, find community with your friends and your cats. Use your current stability to sort out any health issues before jumping into a new opportunity.


*This is just for entertainment purposes and should not be taken as a real tarot reading.

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